Let’s learn more about money! 100 paisa makes 1 rupee. Rupee is the national currency of Nepal. Its value is around 1 USD= 85 Nepali Rupees.
1 Rupee | १ रुपैयाँ (ek rupaiya) |
10 Rupee | १ ० रुपैयाँ (dash rupaiya) |
100 Rupee | १ ० ० रुपैयाँ (saya rupaiya) |
1000 Rupee | १ ० ० ० रुपैयाँ (hajaar rupaiya) |
2 Rupee | २ रुपैयाँ (dui rupaiya) |
20 Rupee | २ ० रुपैयाँ (bish rupaiya) |
5 Rupee | ५ रुपैयाँ (pach rupaiya) |
50 Rupee | ५ ० रुपैयाँ (pachash rupaiya) |
500 Rupee | ५ ० ० रुपैयाँ (panch saya rupaiya) |
Assets | धन (dhan) |
Assets | सम्पत्ति (sampatti) |
Bank Account | खाता (khata) |
Bank | बैंक (baink) |
Credit Card | क्रेडिट कार्ड (credit kaard) |
Debit Card | डेबिट कार्ड (debit kaard) |
Dollar | डलर (dalar) |
Gold | सुन (sun) |
Loan | ऋण (rin) |
Loose Change | चानचुन (chanchun) |
Money (casual) | पैसा (paisa) |
Paisa | पैसा (paisa) |
Rupee | रुपैयाँ (rupaiya) |
Salary | तलब (talab) |
Savings | बचात्त खाता (bachatt khata) |
Silver | चाँदी (chaadi) |
To Deposit Money | पैसा जम्मा गर्नु (paisa jamma garnu) |
Even though the spelling of Rupee is written like ‘Rupaiya’, most people prefer to say ‘Rupay’.
Even though we use Rupee, we call money as ‘Paisa’.
Nepal used to have 25 Rupee Note and 250 Rupee Note. Nowadays, 1 and 2 Rupee notes are very rare.
Dhan and Sampatti are written assets here. This is because dhan and sampatti are one’s belongings or properties.
‘Dhan’ and ‘Sampatti’ are often conjoined to ‘Dhan-Sampatti’.
500 is usually said as ‘pansai rupaiya’
It is competely optional to add ‘ek’ in front of ‘sai’ (100) and hajaar (1000) while saying it.
The Central bank of Nepal is called ‘Nepal Rastra Bank’