Lets see our stationery items . A note is that some of the words are loan words:
Pencil: सिसाकलम (sisaakalam) / पेन्सिल (pensil)
Pen: कलम (kalam)
Eraser: मेट्ने (metne)*
Marker: मार्कर (markar)
Sharpener: तिखार्ने (tikharne)**
Exercise Book/ Notebook/ Copy: कापी (kapi)
Book: किताब (kitab) / पुस्तक (pustak)
Scissors: कैँची (kaichi)
Glue: ग्लु (glu)
Paper: कागज (kaagaj)
File: फाईल (faail)
Ink: मसी (masi)
Brush: ब्रुस (brus)
Stapler: स्टेप्लर (steplar)
*Literally means ‘Eraser’…wait a minute….
** Literally means ‘Sharpener’…oh right….