Reflexive Pronoun: Āphū

Can you learn a language by yourself?  The answer depends on you, but do you know what is a reflexive pronoun? Notice how the above statement uses the word ‘yourself’. The word ‘yourself’ is a reflexive pronoun. A reflexive pronoun is a pronoun which describes the subject itself. (or so according to its Nepali Definition) In … Read more

Determiners And Relative-Interrogative Pronouns

INTRODUCTION A determiner is a word, phrase or affix that occurs together with a noun or noun phrase and serves to express the reference of that noun or noun phrase in the context. Determiners are words like ‘This’, ‘The’ etc. DETERMINERS IN NEPALI Nepali doesn’t have articles. That means, Nepali lacks ‘a’, ‘an’ and ‘the’ in the Language. When translating to and forth, articles must be added or subtracted … Read more

The Oblique Form Of Pronouns

INTRODUCTION Why is it that I can only give ‘him’ an item and not ‘he’? Why can’t I say ‘you’s’ instead of ‘your’? Pronouns are strange things in many languages, because they are stubborn to change. Similarly in Nepali, ancient sound changes have stubbornly remained, without which this lesson wouldn’t exist. What am I talking … Read more


INTRODUCTION I met John yesterday. John was very tired because John had just come from a long marathon. John and I only spoke for a little moment because John had to go meet up with John’s friends. The above paragraph is how a language without pronouns would look like. Each repetition of ‘John’ is redundant because you know what the speaker is talking about. Instead … Read more