Let’s look at the surroundings and the geography! Urban components (human made structures are included)
Place: ठाउँ (thau)
Land: जमिन (jamin)
Land (plot): जग्गा (jagga)
Mountain: हिमाल (himal)
Hills: पहाड (pahaad)
Plains: तराई (tarai)
River: खोला (khola)
Lake: ताल (taal)
Forest: जंगल (jangal)
Sea: सागर (saagar)
Ocean: महासागर (saagar)
Desert: मरुभूमि (marubhumi)
Residence: बासस्थान (baasasthan)
House: घर (ghar)
Kitchen Garden: बारी (baari)
Garden: बगैँचा (bagaichaa)
Field: खेत (khet)
Household: घरबार (gharbaar)
Neighbour: छिमेकी (chimeki)
Neighbourhood: छरछिमेक (charchimek)
Community: बस्ती (basti)
Street (as in the street you live in): टोल (tol)
Road: सडक (sadak)
Road (casual): बाटो (baato)
A Narrow Road: गल्ली (galli)
A Narrow Road (for foot only): गोरेटो (goreto)
Shortcut: चोरबाटो* (chorbaato)
Village: गाउँ (gau)
City: सहर (sahar)
Country: देश (desh)
Foreign Country: विदेश (bidesh)
Village Development Committee: गाउँ विकास समिति (gau bikash samiti)
Municipality: नगरपालिका (nagarpaalikaa)
Sub-Metropolitan City: उपनगरपालिका (upanagarpaalikaa)
Metropolitan City: महानगरपालिका (mahaanagarpaalikaa)
Capital: राजधानी (raajdhani)
Soil: माटो (maato)
Temple: मन्दिर (mandir)
Hospital: अस्पताल (aspataal)
Pharmacy: औषधी पसल (ausadhi pasal)
Restaurant: रेस्टुरेन्ट (resturent)
Shop: पसल (pasal)
Office: कार्यालय (kaaryalaya)
School: स्कुल (skul)
School: बिद्यालय (bidyalaya)
College: कलेज (kalej)