Here is a list of internal links to guide you in improving your Nepali Vocabulary. For Verbs and other Grammar related subjects, please refer to the Grammar Section.
- Animals
- Baby Words
- Body Parts
- Clothes
- Colors
- Common Antonyms
- Days Of The Week + Time
- Directions
- Emotions
- Environment
- Family And Kinship
- Finance
- Flowers
- Food
- Fruits
- Geography and Infrastructure
- Health Problems
- Heavenly Bodies
- Homophones
- Idioms
- Months and Seasons
- Numbers (1-30)
- Numbers (31-60)
- Numbers (61-100)
- Numbers (100+)
- Objects in the bedroom
- Objects in the Kitchen
- Onomatopoeia
- People
- Personal Relations
- Phrases and Proverbs
- Polysemous Words (Homonyms)
- Reaction Sounds
- Stationery Items
- Swear Words
- Synonyms
- Terms Related with Death
- Vegetables
- Western Loanwords