Song: Najeek – Bartika Eam Rai

INTRODUCTION It is no big secret that I love Bartika Eam Rai, so I decided to look into one of her more popular songs, and one that I absolutely love, titled Najeek. नजिक (najik) in Nepali means “close”. The song describes the uncertainty of developing feelings for someone, because as easy as they form, they go … Read more

Song: Holaa – Bartika Eam Rai

INTRODUCTION As a short lesson on improving your vocabulary and introducing you to the wonderful world of Nepali music, I shall be focusing on a song today that is short but full of powerful words. The song is titled होला (holā) by Bartika Eam Rai. I’ve tried translating the text literally, so I have attached an analysis … Read more

Guffgaff: Momo

INTRODUCTION They resemble little pieces of the Moon. They taste like the heavens itself. It’s perfection wrapped in muchheko maida (dough of white flour). Offer it and no one can refuse it; the de facto national food of Nepal, मम: (ideally ‘mamah’ but is written more as ‘momo’) has been warming the hearts, souls and obviously the tummies of millions of Nepalis … Read more

Song: Rato Ra Chandra Surya – Ambar Gurung

Here is another patriotic song that almost every Nepali knows. This is also one of those ‘old’ songs that did not mention the Monarch in any way, so it is still surviving till this day sung proudly. This song is so good that I just cannot leave out the Nepali lyrics this time. I had to … Read more

Song: Yo Nepali Sir Uchali – Prem Dhoj Pradhan, Tara Devi

INTRODUCTION A great way to learn Nepali and its culture is through songs. There are a lot of old patriotic Nepali songs that almost every Nepali person knows; while most songs praised the erstwhile kings in some way, a few simply celebrated the glory of the Nepalese. One such song is यो नेपाली शिर उचाली … Read more

Guffgaff: Nepali Vs. Hindi

First, I’d like to change the previous name ‘gaffgaaff’ to ‘guffgaff’ because it looks better on the eye. Secondly, I enjoyed doing this because it shows the differences between the two languages. Lastly, I am not creating something akin to a boxing competition. I am merely showing how Nepali differs, and is similar to Hindi and vice … Read more

How To Say ‘I Love You’ In Nepali

This Valentine’s Day, A cheers to how happy we are Or how alone we are But most importantly, cheers to love that keeps us alive. Now that the humour in poor taste is done, let’s get back to the article’s main point…which is how to express love in Nepali. But first thing…what is love? In Nepali, … Read more

Guffgaff: Rice Queen

I wanted the title to be a pun, but a-rice-ing a pun was too difficult for me. Too bad… Have you been to Nepal? If yes, then you certainly know about Dal and Bhat. You might have had also tasted it! Well, today I will tell about the cultural aspects that Rice holds in Nepal.  First, let’s see … Read more

Song: Phoolko Aankhama – Ani Choying Dolma

Hello! If you have been to Nepal, then you must have had heard this song at least once…if you haven’t, then it’s still okay! The song in the question is ’Phul ko aakha ma’ which means ’In the eyes of a flower’. The song is sang by Ani Choying Dolma. To listen to the song, … Read more

Song: Pahilo Juni Ma – 1974 AD

This is another song by 1974 AD. It is, well, pretty popular. The part ’dherai dherai aaucha’ roughly translates into ‘many stuffs come’ and ’pahilo junima’ roughly translates into ‘previous life/ existance’. To listen to the song, click here. I won’t provide Nepali Text though, very lengthy.  ENGLISH LYRICS  Dherai dherai aaunchha maan ma, Tita mitha … Read more