Case Marker: Bāṭa, Dekhi

INTRODUCTION Where are you from? This question is perhaps a quintessential part of belonging, a question that will eventually come up in a first-time conversation. You can come from somewhere, you can arrive from some town, you can prevent something from happening. The notion of “from” is essential to master, and in Nepali, there are two … Read more

Case Marker: Ko

INTRODUCTION Anyone who has read Sun Tzu’s book “The Art of War” cover-to-cover definitely has an idea of how Sun Tzu wrote his ideas down, and although I believe he was not the greatest speaker of modern-day English, one can infer what he was trying to say through his wisdom. We however are not concerned … Read more

Case Marker: Mā

INTRODUCTION You accidentally wake up from a long coma and the first thing you ask is where you are. You ask yourself, how did you end up in the hospital in the first place? Maybe you got hit really hard by a baseball in the stadium? Or perhaps you were on a vacation when a crazy skater struck you from behind by the … Read more

Case Marker: Le

INTRODUCTION Now that we have gone over what case markers are, we shall now look at them one by one and see how they function in a Nepali sentence. As a reminder, case markers appear after the case and are adjoined to the case itself, so instead of saying “in Rome”, you would say “Romein”. The first case marker we … Read more

Case Marker: Lāī

INTRODUCTION We don’t like a lie, but when I give you one, you are better off taking it on face value, as a lie is a very important thing in Nepali (maybe). The word in Nepali, which is pronounced in the same way as the English synonym for untruth, is लाई (lāī). And this word is important, … Read more

Cases And Case Markers: Introduction

INTRODUCTION One of the more dreaded things while learning other languages are cases. This is especially true if you are a native English speaker because English by itself does not really have cases. Well, that would be misleading as all languages do have some cases. Cases are simply forms of words that express what they do in … Read more

Sentence Structure

INTRODUCTION There is an urban legend that goes something like this: Reasercehrs at Cabmrdige Uniervisty haev disocvreed that yuor mnid can raed this… a bored person, probably It’s an approach that claims the human brain can make out words (and thus the sentence) solely from the position of the initial and final letters, and the … Read more